Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sitting on a Story Blog

 Marisa Potts

January 23rd, 2024

The blue playground beside the back gravel field at Upper Lynn Elementary

1. For this assignment I decided to visit the park at my old elementary school, Upper Lynn Elementary. My reasoning for this choice was because of the amount of memories that were made on this bench with my friends and family. Throughout my early years at Upper Lynn it was known that only the older kids were allowed to sit on these benches, due to the fact the younger grades were separated from older grades at recess and lunch. Me and all my friends always longed to sit there just like the kids before us had done, I couldn’t wait to be old enough for that opportunity to come. As every year passed, I crept closer and closer to the age where I would be allowed to, and when I eventually was, I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Every kid in my grade would fight for a spot on the best bench, it was our version of a 500 meter dash. Right when the bell would ring the race was on, except instead of a gold medal, our reward was a bench to sit on with our friends. These memories may seem chaotic and childish, which is exactly what they are, and why I cherish and appreciate them so much. Those years I couldn’t wait to grow up and be mature, I wasn’t focusing on how amazing and simple my life was. No responsibilities or job, all I was required to worry about was my friends, family, and the ABC’s. I look back at these memories where I only focused on growing up, and find it sad yet ironic that now that I am grown up, I wish I could go back sometimes.  

2. My trip to the bench started at around 12:15 on January 12th, 2024. I was unable to drive to Upper Lynn Elementary, so I walked to the bus stop, waited at the bus stop, and got on board. When arriving at the closest bus stop to the school I exited and walked up Hoskins Rd. This street brought back many memories for me. I used to live in a house on that road with my family, and would walk up Hoskins to go to elementary school. I walked up and turned left down Coleman Rd, looking at all the houses I had seen everyday for years when I was a child. I walked up the front path to the school and then continued up the side of the school to eventually see the gravel field and blue playground I grew up playing on. Continued across the gravel field, and reached the small grass hill where the benches I was intending to see were. No kids or adults in sight, I sat and began to notice all the small details of my surroundings. The cold wind hit my face immediately after taking a seat, and my face became bright red right away. It was silent except for the whistle of the wind for about five minutes, until a mom and her son came to play at the park. Instantly my mind was flooded with different times I have had the time of my life on that very field years prior, just like the little boy with his mom. First, I noticed the soccer posts that me and my friends would play volleyball over, my attention then shifted to the circle of rocks under the trees me and my classmates would sit on to avoid the rain. Those moments waiting for recess and lunch to be over to avoid the bad weather, were filled with laughs and whispers between me and my peers. These experiences were nothing special or out of the ordinary, but for me they mean something a little bit more. I grew up with these friends and classmates, and haven’t seen them since I made the choice to switch highschools. I don’t get reminded of these memories too often because I don't visit the school nor do I have many photos that would spark these recollections. However, sometimes when I have the opportunity to relive those moments, I am brought back to simpler times.

October 27th, 2008. Two days after my 2nd birthday, my mom took me to the park that I loved near our apartment building.

3. If a bench was dedicated to me I would wish for it to be placed near the neighborhood I was primarily raised in. More specifically around the Highgate apartments by Lynn Valley Mall, and beside the small park across the street I always played at. This space was always my favorite place to go, and whenever I was sad or upset my mom would bring me to this park. Before we would leave to go however, she would always remind me “everything is exactly how it should be,” which is what I would want to be inscribed onto the bench. This message helped and continues to help me alot on a day to day, and is the exact message I would want displayed on the inscription plate. She would then pack up a box of chalk, my favourite doll and doll stroller, and walk us over to cheer me up. I would be wearing my favourite outfit of that week, which was fairly uncoordinated, but I wore it with confidence regardless. A small green, orange, and blue playground structure was placed in the center of the park’s rubber flooring. A rickety old bench resigned in the corner, where my dad, babysitter, and or grandparents would sit when watching me. My mom however never even touched the bench, she would instead be right by my side, using chalk to draw on the concrete with me, pushing me down the slide, or just standing around waiting for me to say “Mom! Look at me, look at me!” I had my happiest memories at that park, just dreading for my mom to say we had to go home for dinner or because it was getting dark, and if I had a choice I would wish for the memory of me to resign there forever.


Two photos of Cypress Lookout, one showing the view during the day, and the other showing the view during the night.

4. If I ever dedicated a bench to somebody I would choose for it to be located at Cypress Lookout, beside the walkway and facing the water. I have visited Cypress Lookout with multiple friends and family members and that is because of a multitude of reasons. It has a gorgeous scenic view, day and night, and a long cement path to walk along. Due to Cypress Lookout being considered a tourist attraction, the days there are filled with constant visits from people all over, even locals such as myself. However, Cypress Lookout at night has a completely different atmosphere compared to the day. If someone was to visit Cypress Lookout after the sun had gone down, they would quickly notice the absence of noise. Time seems to stop when I am there at night and everyone follows the unspoken rule that if you have to talk, you whisper so the people around you can continue enjoying the view. The lights from the bridge, every car, street light, and building window illuminate the night. It feels like a break from reality in a sense, because you get to see all the hustle and bustle of everyone below while you just watch. I think this is a beautiful and somewhat peaceful place to have a memorial bench. I would also have the inscription plate read “There’s so much beauty when your eyes lay lost in all the city lights.”

5. Dear Journal, 

Today I decided to take a break from homework to go to Upper Lynn Elementary and sit on the bench for the “Sitting on a Story Blog.” The bus ride to the school was very nostalgic for me, because when I would have to bus to school in grade 7, that is the exact route I would take. I arrived and did the same walk that I had done for years and years. I passed by the same houses and the same trees and started to reminisce about the simpler life I used to live.

When arriving at the bench, I was met with a cold winter breeze. My face turned slightly red from the temperature and couldn’t help but remember all the winter days I spent with my classmates at this exact location. The snowmen I made with friends, rolling around making snow angels, and throwing snowballs while hiding behind snow barcades. Then, I witnessed a boy and his mom appear at the park a couple minutes later. They reminded me ever so slightly of my own mom and brother, and how my own family would visit the same playground on weekends. Seeing the mom and her son brought me a sense of happiness, but that was then followed by a hint of sadness. It made me realize that the time of my life in which me, my brother, and my parents would go to the park and spend the day, was over and I had grown past that. Which I don’t consider a bad thing, it just taught me an important lesson that you shouldn’t take anything or anyone for granted, because someday it will be gone. 


Marisa Potts

6. “Growing Up” by Mary Spain suits the bench I chose and reflects the feelings of nostalgia I had. This poem reflects on the experience of growing up, capturing moments of realization and the shifting perspective that comes with age. The speaker notes a significant moment when they could no longer walk easily beneath the table, signaling the onset of physical growth. As the speaker grows taller, there is an anticipation of reaching a level where adults seem to possess all-encompassing knowledge. The desire to be tall becomes a metaphor for aspiring to understand the complexities of the adult world. However, as the speaker matures, they express a subtle irony in realizing that wisdom is a continuous journey. Despite physical growth, the speaker suggests that the process of gaining wisdom is ongoing, and there is always more to learn, conveying a sense of humility and the cyclical nature of personal development.

7. This poem reflects on the perception of growing up and the expectations associated with it. The speaker initially sees growing up as a journey towards gaining knowledge and wisdom, with the anticipation of reaching a point where adults seemingly "know it all." The desire to grow tall symbolizes the yearning for understanding and maturity, believing that wisdom comes with age. However, as the speaker actually grows up, the perspective shifts. The realization comes that wisdom is a continuous journey, and there is always more to learn. The final lines, "Grown up, I find I'm growing down instead," suggest that the speaker recognizes the ongoing process of self-discovery and learning, even in adulthood. This connects with my personal philosophy that values lifelong learning and sees wisdom as a never-ending pursuit.  In addition, The notion of "growing down,” which I related to earlier on, I interpreted as a return to childlike curiosity, a willingness to embrace the unknown. The poem, therefore, connects with a personal philosophy that values continuous learning, humility, and a childlike openness to the wonders of the world, even in the face of adulthood. 

8. Parks are important places that can help improve communities. They give us spaces to play, exercise, and relax. Parks are not just for fun; they're also where people come together, making friends and sharing good times at events and festivals. Having trees, plants, and wildlife in parks makes them look nice and helps the environment too while also adding beautiful scenery to the area. Parks can also teach us things, like history or nature. Being in a park is good for our mental health because it's a break from our busy lives. I personally love parks! I have outgrown the playground structure aspect of parks, but I find the surroundings and environment so relaxing to be around, especially with friends. Multiple times me and my close friends have driven to a park in the summer and spent the day there. Enjoying good food, sun, and the stress free environment was one of my favorite ways to spend a day in the summer. If the weather was better, I would suggest a day at the park to friends or family with zero hesitation.

9.  “Young, Dumb, Broke”

Reminiscing of all my past choices

Each one like a ghost that haunts me

Being thrown into a world so unfamiliar

Unclear on where i’m meant to be

And cheers to the years that quickly slid

My only excuse is that I lived

Lived like a young, dumb, broke highschool kid

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A dress worn by Princess Diana breaks an auction record at nearly $1.15 million

 A gown worn by Princess Diana was just sold for $1,143,000. It was expected to sell for between $100,000 and $200,000, but turned out to sell for 11 times that amount. The dress, designed by Jacques Azagury, is described as having “a black velvet bodice with embroidered stars, a drop waist with a two-tier, royal blue organza skirt, a sash, bow, and of course, shoulder pads.” Princess Diana had been reported wearing the dress to two major events. The first being when she toured Italy accompanied by then-Prince Charles, and then to a dinner on behalf of the Mayor of Florence in April 1985. The next was when she wore it in 1986 to Vancouver, Canada when she watched a Symphony Orchestra performance at Orpheum Theatre. Elizabeth Holmes, an author dedicated to writing about the royal family, states that this piece isn’t considered to be one of Diana’s “better known pieces,” making the auctioned off price very shocking.

Growing up I always adored Princess Diana, and even 25 years after her passing she still continues to inspire people all around the world. As a member of the royal family, Princess Diana held a lot of power and media attention for her time. Whereas most famous figures of that time would not speak up against controversial issues, Princess Diana chose to do so. In 1987, she opened the UK’s first specialist HIV/AIDS unit at London’s Middlesex Hospital. She was a primary figure in erasing the stigma HIV/AIDS had during the height of the AIDS epidemic. A famous quote from her was “You can shake their hands and give them a hug. Heaven knows they need it.”  Not only was she an inspiration for this reason, but for many more including her beginning to auction off her clothes in 1997 for charity. Without Princess Diana’s kindness in terms of beginning the process of auctioning her clothing, who knows whether the world would be able to appreciate her wardrobe to this day.

Published by Marisa Potts, December 19th, 2023

Originally written, 2:40 PM ET, December 19th, 2023, by Diba Mohtasham 

Ride passengers rescued after dangling upside down, 75 feet up, for half an hour

 In late September, 2023 passengers of a Canada’s Wonderland theme park ride were suspended upside down for approximately 30 minutes. It's unclear how many people were on the ride, which contains enough seats for 48 people. The ride came to a sudden halt at 10:40pm and the passengers were rescued and brought back down to the ground at 11:05pm. It was reported that 2 of the passengers were treated for chest pains before they were permitted to leave. The event was recorded by multiple witnesses and posted on multiple social media platforms, resulting in major attention being brought to the issue through TikTok.

This incident was initially brought to my attention via social media, and it scared yet intrigued me at the same time. The reason for this is due to my immense fear of rollercoasters, and I have this fear because of situations like this. Personally, I have very little faith that huge metal pieces of equiptment can spin, twist, turn, and fly upside down with no possibility of malfunction potentially leading to the death of someone. All of my friends thought I was crazy for thinking this because “experts built the rides” and “those things don't happen” but this case is a prime example of my fear being a possibility.

Published by Marisa Potts, December 1st, 2023

Originally written, 9;08 AM ET, September 25th, 2023, by Emily Olson

Rapper Young Thug’s trial on racketeering conspiracy and gang charges begins in Atlanta

 Young Thug is currently on trial facing charges related to gang activity, drug, and gun crimes. The prosecution presents him as the ruthless leader of a violent street gang, Young Slime Life (YSL), accused of crimes such as murder, armed robbery, aggravated assault, and theft. The prosecution argues that Young Thug utilized his musical talent, social media presence, and clout to promote and strengthen the gang's dominance in Atlanta neighborhoods. Defense attorney Brian Steel counters, acknowledging the explicit content in the rapper's songs but argues they reflect his challenging upbringing rather than a personal criminal history. Steel emphasizes Young Thug's success in the music industry, with a lucrative record label (YSL) and collaborations with high-profile artists, contending that he is too busy and prosperous to lead a gang. The defense challenges the prosecution's use of rap lyrics as evidence and questions the credibility of jailhouse informants relied upon by the police during the trial.

Young Thug is a prominent figure in the music industry, and the intersection of his celebrity status with legal matters adds a layer of curiosity. The nature of the charges and the potential drama unfolding in the courtroom could provide a glimpse into a side of his life that's not often publicized. As a fan or follower, understanding how legal proceedings impact his career and personal life becomes a point of interest. Additionally, the media's coverage, public reactions, and any unexpected twists in the trial can contribute to the overall fascination. However, it's crucial to approach such matters with a sense of respect, recognizing the gravity of legal issues while acknowledging the public's natural curiosity about the lives of well-known personalities.



Published by Marisa Potts, November 28th, 2023

Originally written 1:39 PM PST, November 28th, 2023 by Kate Brumback

Monday, December 18, 2023

She died in a hotel's walk-in freezer. Her family will receive more than $6 million

 In 2017, Kenneka Jenkins was found dead in a kitchen freezer at a Crowne Plaza hotel outside of Chicago. The family filed a lawsuit on behalf of Kenneka’s death, and has now reached a settlement reportedly worth $6 million USD. In September of 2017, Kenneka attended a late-night party in the hotel located on the ninth floor. She was reported missing after she never came home that night, and after a day of her disappearance, Kenneka was discovered in the commercial freezer in the hotel. Surveillance video of Kenneka Jenkins walking around the hotel moments before her death circulated the internet and even though her cause of death was hypothermia, conspiracy theorists shared their beliefs on how Kenneka passed. Some believed that her death involved foul play, and insisted authorities were covering something up involving the case. 

As discussed previously in my other blogs, I am very fascinated with unusual cases like these. I remember hearing of this case through social media a couple years ago, and seeing the many conspiracies that were posted as well. The reason for these conspiracies was not just because of the unanswered questions surrounding this case, such as why she ended up in the freezer and didn’t leave it. There was speculation because when Kenneka Jenkins was found she had some of her clothes partially removed and a shoe missing. These pieces of evidence would suggest foul play, however the investigation did not point to that and it was labeled as an accident. My theory is that Kenneka’s alcohol intake was the reasoning behind her death. She most likely walked into the freezer because she was intoxicated, but then some argue that doesn’t explain why she was partially undressed. However, scientists that study hypothermia have uncovered a sensation known as paradoxical undressing. Paradoxical undressing is where people freezing to death often remove their clothes, which would explain why Kenneka’s shirt was partially taken off when her body was discovered. 

Published by Marisa Potts, December 13th, 2023

Originally written, 1:35 PM ET, December 13th, 2023, by Bill Chappell

Kenneka Jenkins family gets $6 million settlement over death in hotel freezer : NPR

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Appeals court upholds actor Jussie Smollett's convictions and jail sentence

     Jessie Smollett, a famous actor, was accused, and found guilty of staging a racist, homophobic attack against himself in 2019. He reported to Chicago police an accident where he claimed he was attacked by two men in black ski masks, and reported during the attack they were yelling racist and homophobic slurs at him. After an investigation conducted due to the police report, authorities said Jessie Smollett in fact paid the two men whom he knew from working on “Empire.” In 2021, Smollett was convicted of five counts of disorderly conduct, which is the charge someone received when lying to police. His sentence was 150 days, approximately 5 months in jail for his actions. However, he appealed the court's conviction and only spent six days in jail while the appeal was pending. Smollett’s lawyers argued he had already resolved the case through community service in 2019, and prosecutors agreed to avoid further charges in exchange for his actions. Appellate Justice Freddrenna Lyle disagreed, deeming the case unfair.

I was initially informed of this case when it first came out that Jessie Smollett supposedly planned and faked a hate crime against himself. I found this case interesting not only because I was and still am fascinated with the legal system, but also because I had never heard of a case like this. The fact Jessie Smollett was so desperate to gain publicity and attention off of a fake hate crime case was very shocking to me. Hate crimes are a very serious and real issue that people unfortunately deal with on a day to day, and faking that as a publicity stunt is disgusting to me. As a member of a minority and the LGBTQ+ community, I would assume Jessie would understand those issues are nothing anyone should be faking, because he completely degrades the severity of those issues. However, Jessie Smollet’s run in with the law has given him more publicity than ever before, and as some would say “all publicity is good publicity.”

Published by Marisa Potts, December 1st, 2023

Originally written, 3:06 PM ET, December 1st, 2023, by The Associated Press

Monday, December 11, 2023

Coast Guard arrests a man trying to run a giant hamster wheel across the Atlantic

 Mr. Baluchi is a 44-year-old marathon runner, who crafted a makeshift “hamster wheel” of sorts. Sources say that Mr. Baluchi took his contraption into the Atlantic as officials were preparing for a large hurricane in the area. The US Coast Guard determined however his craft was unsafe and he was conducting a manifestly unsafe voyage. The “hamster wheel” was shaped as a wheel and included paddles that were supposed to propel the craft forward as the wheel would spin. When he was ordered to step off the vessel he refused and told authorities a multitude of things, such as threatening to harm himself and claiming he had a bomb aboard. This was also not Mr. Baluchi’s first time running into trouble with the Coast Guard, in 2021 he was arrested after being retrieved trying to go from Florida to New York in the “bubble.” As well as, being in a similar situation in 2014 involving being rescued from St Augustine and again in 2016 near Palm Beach in Florida. His explanation for the attempted voyages was that he wanted to raise money for many different causes, such as homelessness, police, fire department, and even the Coast Guard themselves.

I find this article interesting because of how persistent the man was during his attempt to take the vessel out into different parts of the ocean. I am also intrigued because I am curious to know how the man expected to raise money off of this. The article didn’t mention how Mr. Baluchi intended to collect the donations in this case, and I am curious to know. However, even with the lack of planning, I do respect the man's dedication to achieving his goal. Even though he was raising money for homelessness, police, the fire department, and the Coast Guard, it could have been done in a way that didn’t involve breaking the law in the process. I also find this situation pretty ironic because the man’s so-called “purpose” for doing this is to raise money partially for law enforcement, yet the man is simultaneously wasting police and coast guard resources by making them have to deal with him using the “hamster wheel.”

Published by Marisa Potts, December 1st, 2023

Originally written, 3:52 PM ET, September 7th, 2023, by Laurel Wamsley

Florida man arrested after trying to cross Atlantic in hamster wheel vessel (

Sitting on a Story Blog

  Marisa Potts January 23rd, 2024 The blue playground beside the back gravel field at Upper Lynn Elementary 1. For this assignment I decided...